When you decide to sell your property, you want to sell it for as much money as the market will allow. Pricing too high will keep your home from selling. A low price will keep you from receiving full value.

There are three main points to consider when pricing your property

  1. The State of The Market
    • The market determines value
    • Price your home competitively based on the price of homes that have recently sold, are currently for sale and those listings that have expired in your neighbourhood.
  2.  The Condition of Your Home
    • Buyers base their decisions on the condition of the home as well as the price.
    • Take the time now to prepare your home to attract potential Buyers
  3. The Right Realtor
    • The Realtor brings the market to you
    • The market brings the price
    • The right Realtor is the one who knows the market and can get you the best price possible – not the one who promises you the highest price simply to get you to list with them
    • A Realtor has access to the latest information on market conditions, from a city wide scope right down to your street

Together, you and your Realtor will determine the right list price for your property